Stay up-to-date with current scrap metal prices related to London Metal Exchange pricing (LME).
Current Metal Prices
LME Official Metal Prices, US$ per tonne
What are current scrap metal prices? Stay up-to-date with current scrap metal prices related to London Metal Exchange pricing (LME). Non-ferrous scrap metal prices fluctuate on a daily basis and follow the current LME metal pricing. According to the BIR, ferrous scrap prices follow the largest importers (Turkey, India and Taiwan) of steel scrap.
LME (scrap) metal price graphs and charts, US$ per tonne:
Current Scrap Metal Prices
Where can I find global and local scrap metal prices?
The prices of ferrous and non-ferrous metals get calculated differently. Non-ferrous metal prices are mainly related to the London Metal Exchange pricing index.
They have an increasingly uniform global pricing because of metals’ availability by the LME-approved global storage network. Additionally, the transportation costs of non-ferrous metals are relatively low because of the material’s high value.
Weight * Price = Revenue
The value of ferrous scrap metals is more regional differentiated, depending on local demand and supply and relatively high transportation cost with lower material value. Read more about global scrap prices.
Below you can find current scrap metal prices and lists of scrap metal items for metal recycling. Metals prices include scrap iron, cans, zinc, tin, steel, bronze, copper, and mixed scrap.
Please note that most sources for free scrap metal prices contain pricing information that is a few weeks or a few months old. This information isn’t beneficial when you want to trade scrap metals because you need to know the most recent scrap metal prices. But you can roughly predict current scrap metal prices by following the price trend from the London Metal Exchange (LME) for the primary type of metal.
Separated, cleaned, and pure scrap metals, like stripped copper cable or copper tubing, for example, are often traded by or between professionals at formulas coupled to actual LME listings.
North America – Free scrap metal prices:
Scrap Register – One month old prices. Subscribe for real-time scrap prices.
Scrap Monster – Three months old prices. Subscribe for real-time scrap prices.