Download the original recycling symbol
The universal recycling symbol, logo, or icon is an internationally recognized symbol used to designate recyclable materials. The recycling symbol is in the public domain and is not a trademark. (source: Wikipedia)
Download and use the universal recycling logo for:
- designing packaging;
- PowerPoint presentations;
- Word documents;
- coloring sheet for kids;
- your own website.
Note: Download the EPS-version of the recycle logo below if you desire a vector graphic.
Universal Recycling Symbol (U+2672)
Black Universal Recycling Symbol (U+267B)
Video: Learn more about the Recycling logo
Recycle stickers
You can use recycle stickers to label your trash cans for better waste separation. This prevents contamination of the waste streams inside your trash and recycling bins. See recommended recycle stickers here.
Recycling symbol in different colours
Below you can find free and high quality downloads of the official recycling symbol in every imaginable colour of the rainbow and in monotone black. The file format is .PNG and the images have a transparent background.
How to download:
- Click on your favorite recycling icon.
- Right-click with your mouse on the image.
- And save the logo to your hard drive.
Black recycling symbol
Red recycling symbol
Orange recycling symbol
Yellow recycling symbol
Light green recycling symbol
Dark green recycling symbol
Light blue recycling symbol
Dark blue recycling symbol
Purple recycling symbol
Pink recycling symbol
Magenta recycling symbol
Recycling Unicode character
Use the original recycling symbol in your copy. You can copy and paste recycling icons like normal text: Grab the recycling Unicode icon’s here.
History of the recycling symbol
The original recycling symbol was designed by Gary Anderson in a logo design contest held by Bill Loyd, the graphic designer at Container Corporation of America in 1970.

Facts about the original recycle symbol:
- Figure 1 – The three arrows represent ‘reducing’, ‘reusing’, and ‘recycling’. (source)
- Figure 2 – The inside negative space of the symbol resembles a pine tree.
- The recycling symbol is a variant of the Möbius loop to symbolize continuity within a finite entity. (source)
- The original idea for the symbol was to create a symbol for recycled paper. The folded ‘chasing arrows’ resembles folded newspapers. (source)
- It took Gary Anderson ‘a day or two’ to come up with his design. (source)

Download a high resolution version of the image above (free for non-commercial use) or read more about the Recycling Trilogy.

Download a high resolution version of the recycling logo with pine tree.
Read more about the recycling symbol
Learn more here about the background, history and design of the recycle logo. Or read an interview with Gary Anderson, the designer of the recycling symbol.
By 8 March 2023